Oceans In Light is Without a doubt the Most Notorious Rock band of All Universes known to Mankind!
Probably selling millions of records in all kinds of alternative and parallel universes! It’s now time for Oceans In Light to conquer planet Earth.
Led by the universally (in multiple universes actually) acclaimed legendary Mister Oceans, Oceans In Light will continue this journey to make some of the best music out there!
So Earth…
Be ready…
to get ROCKETH!
For all of you that are interested in the lyrics.
Original lyrics can only be found on this great website.
The band has not yet acquired any of that strange Earthly currency that is apparently required to pay for lyrics on those Earthlings music platforms.
What a strange idea anyway. Should these platforms not pay the band to have the lyrics on the platforms? We’ve surely arrived in a strange Universe!
Even when (and no doubt that it will happen soon) the band will receive all of that currency…
No paid effort by the band will be made to get the lyrics on these platforms!